Some of that energy is felt in the theater golden reflections of the Nossa Senhora do Pilar Church, that seems lit from within by religious gold and baroque decoration. You can see the rustic church statues of slaves, (Santa Iphigenia, ...
The one we toured?Nossa Senhora de Pilar?was ornately decorated with gold and silver and old paintings and statues. The guide said it was the most lavish church in Ouro Preto and the second richest in all of Brazil. ... Betânia and her husband Chico have a vacation home a ways south of town in Barra de S?o Miguel, where they used to live when their children were smaller. All of us went there this morning, riding either in Betânia's car or in a school bus (a Volkswagen ...
Como a mensageira do Senhor, seus escritos s?o uma contínua e autorizada fonte de verdade e proporcionam conforto, orientaç?o, instruç?o e correç?o ? igreja. Eles também tornam claro que a Bíblia é a norma pela qual deve ser provado todo .... Agora, o que ela define s?o os pilares da nossa fé. Ela diz que esses pilares foram revelados através da inspiraç?o; e que eles n?o podem ser removidos. Quais s?o eles? A segunda vinda de Cristo, o sábado, o estado inconsciente dos ...